Report in the Tages Anzeiger: WOW Museum success story

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She had trouble with her job, her husband was unemployed — so they founded a museum

The founding couple of the Zurich WOW Museum describe themselves as «Kulturbanausen». But Vanessa and Matthias Kammermann are doing so well that they can now expand to Munich.

100,000 visitors in three years (despite pandemic), several awards

and a financial gain: The WOW Museum's balance sheet since opening

2020 is remarkable.

Behind the approximately 400 square meter Illusion Museum not far from

Bahnhofstraße has no major institution, no foundation, no subsidies,

but two private individuals: Vanessa and Matthias Kammermann.

He stays more in the background, managing director and the face of the museum

is Vanessa Kammermann, “the_wow_mum” on Instagram.

Her profile description says: Click here for the full report from the Tagesanzeiger